Saturday, September 28, 2013

Quiz Time!

I am so a sucker for quizzes. Whenever I read a magazine I always save the quizzes for last because they are so fun to read. Ugh... they are so much fun!
So for all of you quiz addicts out there, this is for you.

What's Your Personality Christian Wise?
(please be as honest as you can)

1. You see a homeless person on the edge of the road, holding up a sign that reads "No home."

A. Try to stop staring and keep your eyes on the front of the road. Homeless people creep you out.
B. Make the Sign of the Cross and start to pray for the person's well being.
C. Ask your mom if you can give the person some money or food.
D. You're too busy playing on your iPhone to even notice.

2. As your walking into school you see a sign-up sheet for volunteering at the local food kitchen. You-

A. Quickly glance at it but decide that Tuesday is your only free night.
B. Take a moment to ponder and make a note to think about it later.
C. Immediately sign up and call a few of your friends over to look at it also.
D. Look to the sign above it that seems more interesting.

3. You're at a sleepover when a friend suggests that you all should watch a popular movie that's rated R. You-

A. You try to protest quietly but stop when your friends give you the evil eye. You're going to go to the bathroom on the bad parts anyway.
B. Start reasoning against it and feel very happy once the mom comes down and suggests something else.
C. Politely decline and change the topic to another movie.
D. Try to stop them but nothing comes out. So you just shrug your shoulders and agree.

4. A local pro-life rally is happening near your and you're parents dragged you to it. You-

A. Whine and complain the whole time and don't participate at all.
B. Don't say anything and mumble along to the prayers.
C. Feel kind of disappointed but try to make the best of it.
D.  Start to whine and complain but stop once you get there.

5. Food drive time! Your school is participating in the local food drive. You-

A. Hope that there will be enough donations without you.
B. Bring in a bag of toothbrushes that your mom had extra of.
C. Get some money out of your pocket and buy a few boxes of pasta from your local grocery store.
D. Ask for a donation from your friend at school on the last day the drive is happening.

If you picked mostly A's...
You move along with the crowd too much and kind of stick in the background in your comfort one. Next time there is something you can help out with, get out of your comfort zone and do it! If peers are pressuring you to do something that you know if wrong, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to make good choices, no matter what your friends say. Don't be afraid to go against the wave.

If you picked mostly B's...
You like staying on the sidelines and helping anonymously and you don't like being the center of attention or participating a lot. Start small but grow a little bigger. Once people see you participating, they will want to too! Be a role model for your peers.

If you picked mostly C's...
You like to stand up for what you know is right and help others. Tell your friends about all of the projects you are doing to help, and you all can help out with it!  Don't be afraid to listen to God for what He wants you to do.

If you picked mostly D's...
You try to act cool but your inwardly lamenting your fate whenever your parents drag you somewhere that you don't want to be. Ask God to give you an open heart and try to enjoy things! You never know when you might find a new hobby that you like doing or fun ways to help people.

So how was it? I took the test and I think I'm B. Our goal is C, to be like Christ. If you're there, awesome! Like it said in the description, now your job is to evangelize and tell others!
If your not quite there like me, take some time to pray and ask God how you can become a role model for others. It might be hard, but hopefully this quiz might make it a little fun!

All through Christ,

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