Friday, September 13, 2013

Steal my Show

Christian radios are so inspiring. Well, for blog ideas anyway. :)

If you know TobyMac, then you'll recognize one of his latest hits, Steal my Show. A very good song with a very good meaning. Here is his the YouTube video. All rights to TobyMac.

When I first heard this song on KLove, I wasn't really paying attention to the lyrics. I was like "Wow, cool beat, I love TobyMac," Then waited for the next song to come on. But since I have heard the song a few more times I have listened to the lyrics more carefully and fully understood what it meant.

Basically TobyMac is talking about how he wants God to steal his show. Because God is... God, ya know? We want Him to control our lives and steer us in the right direction. God made us so we could praise Him and join Him in heaven! (Right now I can just see a party starting...)

So basically through everything we do, we should give glory to God. Because it all started with God, right? He made us, gave us these awesome super powers to use for the greater good of the world. Techinically speaking, it isn't us at all, but God let's us have some credit.

As you might already know, I am an actress. (Where are you going with this? Yeah, I'm asking myself the same question.:) The theater I belong to is called CYT- Christian Youth Theater. And one of the number one things we learn, even before the acting stuff, is all of this is for God.

One of my favorite directors, Sam* is one of the most God-fearing, Christ-loving people I know. Every show I have been  in with him, he always talks about how we were made to praise God and give everything up to Him. My favorite thing that he has said was about giving God all the glory.

He said when your on the stage at the end of the show and everyone is applauding for you, you need to take a "mirror" hold it out in front of you, and let the praise bounce off and go to Heaven so God get it.

And just the way he said it, and how the room got quiet and the emotional particles flying around into my eye made me want to cry. Because then I realized how selfish we human beings are, caught up in all the glory when God should be getting it.

Another great example is one of the traditions at my Catholic diocesan camp. Camp has a lot of little...sayings, I guess you could call it. Like whenever a speaker would say "so" the whole camp would reply "sew, a needle pulling thread! Eek! Eek! Eek! Sewing machine." And so (sew, a needle...;) on and so forth with commonly used words. Even if there is some competition between two cabins, a cheer is used. We go "Competition? WHAT? Jesus is number one! Competition? WHAT! Jesus is number one!" And we're all standing up and jumping around and yelling like normal people and it really reminds you that Jesus is number one. Any grudges or complaints that I held against fellow competitive campers is washed away, knowing that there's a person who I actually like taking the winning spot.

It might take some time and effort to realize that yeah, it's all God. We should give the glory to God, we should hold up that mirror, we should tell Jesus He's number one. So I challenge you the next time you compete, whether it be sports, school, acting, whatever, let God steal the show.

*=All names are fictional for privacy purposes.