Thursday, December 25, 2014

he was a king

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have had as great of a Christmas as I have!  I hope you have the merriest day ever, and a great New Year as well!
he could've been a powerful king
queen for a mother, a great leader for a father
celebrations with streamers and gifts
kings and queens and dukes would come from all around
just for a baby
for the heir for the kingdom

he could've been a powerful king
heir to great power
education worthy of a scholar
so much knowledge at his fingertips

he could've been a powerful king
born in a warm room
with medicine and doctors and nurses
with great care and ease

yes, he could've been a

but he wasn't
he was something better
he was a king
he had a virgin for a mother
a young girl born without sin

a carpenter for a father
someone who loved his wife
even though the child wasn't his

people traveled from all around to see him
kings and shepherds
they too, brought gifts of
gold, frankincense and myrrh
just for a baby
for the heir for a kingdom
the kingdom of God

he was a king
heir to spiritual greatness
his knowledge was beyond any scholar
and he was just a simple boy

he was a king
born in a humble stable
love greater than anyone could ever give
ready for him as he entered the world

he was a king
he's our king
not of a earthly kingdom
but of our hearts

All through Christ,


Saturday, December 20, 2014

Ready or Not, He's Comin'

Christmas music fills the air as you carefully place the delicate ornament on your family tree. You munch on gingersnaps and sip sweet hot chocolate as you wrap all your Christmas presents. At the end of the day, you eat a chocolate from your Christmas countdown, and go to bed happy knowing that tomorrow is a day closer to Christmas.

What's wrong with this picture?

I don't know if you knew this or not, but Christmas is kind of named after someone who is a little important. I mean, he only humbled Himself to come into the world as a baby and then later died on the cross for our sins... and yet people today think it's okay to take Him out of the big picture.

Whether you like it or not, saying "Happy Holidays" is not going to make Jesus just disappear out of thin air. Ready or not, He's coming so we all should clean  up our houses.. and our hearts.

There's this great song called Christmas with a Capital C and it is by this band called Go Fish. It's a really fun song, and if you haven't heard it yet, definitely look it up. Here are some memorable lyrics from the song: 

"EVERYBODY said, 'Merry Christmas! Hey, Merry Christmas
to you, Mr. Lohenstein. Do you know why? Because it wasn't about a
religion, it was about something as a culture that we thought was so
valuable, even if I disagreed with the religion behind it,
because it was
good for ALL of us instead of just me. "

"Oh, yes, we want to say, 'Happy Holidays' because we don't
leave anybody out. Really? How come there's a ton of holidays in
February - nobody says, 'Happy Holidays' in February, do they?"

"But nobody wants to say, 'Christmas'! Everything
else but 'Christmas'. Why? I know why. You do, too. It's because
it's got 'Christ' in it, and after 2,000 years He's still intimidating
people. "

"I say you gotta say, 'Merry Christmas' because it IS!
If you don't believe in it, fine. But I've got a flash for you:
Christianity happens to be the religious heritage of my
country whether you like it or not..."
I know Christmas is less than a week away, but that still is enough time to open up your heart and let God in.
Have a blessed Christmas!

All through Christ,

Monday, November 24, 2014

be grateful

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow"-Melody Beattie

Happy Thanksgiving!

All through Christ,


Saturday, November 15, 2014

How can I Keep from Singing?

Everyone has their favorite way of  relaxing. For some it is to watch their favorite television show, and for others it is going on a run. (Bless you people who have the energy to get out of the house to sweat… I applaud your courage.) For me, it’s music. I either play my guitar and sing random songs or shove some earbuds in my ears and turn up my favorite tunes. Either way, it relaxes me.

Since this is a Catholic blog, I turned this into my favorite religious songs. If you would like to hear some of my favorite general songs, just let me know in the comment box below.

Also, my taste in music may vary from yours. I am a very musically emotional person, which pretty much means that I like music that makes me feel something deep. So most of these songs are slower than some of you may like, but I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

1.     You Raise Me Up- Josh Groan

This is such a classic song, you should be ashamed if you have never heard it. Haha, I’m just messing with you. But seriously, who hasn’t heard this song! It is one of those few songs who have an amazing tune, and the lyrics match the same level of amazingness. There are so many versions out there, but Josh Groban is my man in this case. That man’s voice is literally flawless.

2.     Draw Me Close to You- Michael W. Smith

This song has a very deep meaning to me. During my time in Tarzan, it was a very frequent worship song. When our beloved friend and fellow cast member passed away during that show, this was our go to song. Again, the lyrics are amazing. This song is an anthem of our  need and inner desire to love and know God. It is so powerful.

3.     Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)- Hillsong

This song has really climbed its way up the ladder of "Most Frequently Played on K-Love" in my standards. And it is for a perfectly good reason, because it is such an emotional and beautiful song. This song really talks about trusting in God and how we call upon Him in tough times while keeping an ocean symbolic theme, which is pretty great.

4.     Go Light your World- Chris Rice

If you are looking for a song of inspiration, this is
 totally it! This song never fails to inspire me when I want to do something big but I have some restraints. The whole song is a metaphor of candles, which makes the song very interesting and powerful. The image you get when you hear this song cannot be copied. Great song, great message.

5.     Even if I Fall- Mike Coward
(sorry, that's the best video I could find)
This is another frequent song that we sing during worship time during musicals. It is a 
very simple song (it does have some duet parts though, which I find amazing) but it is great. It talks about how even in the midst of hard times, we will always know that God is there.

6.     He Loves Us- David Crowder Band

And yet another worship song! There is nothing else to say but this song describes almost perfectly the amount of love God has for us. So beautiful.

7.     Completely- Among the Thirsty

This is a rather new song, and has because my second favorite worship song of all time, even though I don’t sing it at my theatre. This song talks about how we are compeletely giving our selves through Jesus. I cant really explain how beautiful and amazing and sooo powerful this song is. It is literally describing how we are stripping our selves down to our bare morals and saying “God, make me Yours.” It describes my faith life.

8.     Lord I Need You- Matt Maher

this is my all time favorite worship song of all time. I have a pretty amazing story that is behind it too. So when I first heard it on K-Love, I thought it was one of the most boring songs ever. I would change the channel whenever I heard it. Then when I attended my local Catholic summer camp, they played this song and I heard it in a totally new light. I felt like Matt Maher took my deep spiritual desires and morphed it into a simple, beautiful worship song. Like the title shows, this song just shows our need for God. Every time I hear it, I tear up. When I am having a bad day, I turn this song on. When I need help, I innerly sing this song. It is my Anthem for life.
Another cool story about this song comes from a local band. They always give concets at my school and the summer camp, and they always share this story.
So the guy who wrote this song, Matt Maher, was asked to sing this at World Youth Day. As you know, millions and millions of people travel across the globe to go to World Youth Day. Think of how nerve-racking that would be, to sing a song in front of millions of people! Matt Maher did it, but in the most humble way possible. He turned away from the audience toward the tabernacle, and knelt down directly in front of the Eucharist. It was just him, his guitar, and his love for God.

I hope you enjoyed this little summary of my favorite worship songs. Be sure to comment down below your favorites, and not forget to tell me why! :) Thanks and have a great week! 

All through Christ,


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Temptation- How to Beat it

Temptation is one of the most... well tempting things in our lives to just ignore. We all know what it means, and we all know that it's bad, but do we really think about it?

Now let's straighten out a few things. First off, temptation is not a sin. It is the desire to commit a sin. Secondly, temptation blocks off your inner conscience. Do you ever feel those voices battling in your head sometimes? That's your conscience (God) and temptation (the Devil). When you follow through with the action that the Devil is tempting your towards, then you have committed a sin.

Kapeesh? :)

There was this one time where I was feeling very tempted. (To do what? You might ask. My lips are sealed.) I was standing on the end of my stairs, and my head turned into a battle ground.

Do it. Do it now.


Come on, no one will notice.

Don't do it, don't do it.

 Sound familiar? It happens all the time in our minds. Sometimes, we train ourselves to ignore the battle and just go along with what we want.

But most of the times, what we want isn't want God wants.

So there I was, standing at the top of the stairs, staring off into space and thinking about what I was going to do next.

And then I thought of something my religion teacher said.

"You can destroy your conscience."

What?! You can destroy your conscience? How!?

And the answer, my friends, is quite simple. You go against it over and over until you can't hear it anymore. Like I said above, we can train our conscience to just fade into nothingness.

Do you really want that to happen to you?
1. Listen to your conscience.

 " It also judges particular choices, approving those that are good and denouncing those that are evil. It bears witness to the authority of truth in reference to the supreme Good to which the human person is drawn, and it welcomes the commandments. When he listens to his conscience, the prudent man can hear God speaking." ETWN
Our conscience is here for a reason. Although God did give us Free Will, that doesn't mean He's completely out of the picture. He gave us a voice to follow- specifically His voice. The whole entire purpose for our conscience is to listen and ponder about our upcoming decision.
2. Your conscience is a muscle. Strengthen it.
Like any other normal muscle, you need to work out to strengthen it. Although you can't physically feel the strain or soreness afterward, you do feel a little uncomfortable at first- especially if you haven't listened to your conscience in a long time. It might seem awkward at first, but after a few times you will feel like a pro.
3. Surround yourself with good temptations.
If you surround yourself with good temptations, logic says most of the time you will be fine. If you sit down reading a good, appropriate book rather than watch a sketchy movie, chances are you will be so wrapped up in the book you won't even think twice about the movie! Don't let yourself get in those tight situations where you are forced to make a hard choice. This is especially hard when you are with your friends. If your friends invite you to a movie, make sure you find out what it is first. If it's looking a little on the edge, then maybe suggest a different movie! If they don't respect your decisions, maybe you should question their morals and wonder if their influence is good around you.
If you follow these three steps, you will  most surely listen to your conscience and ignore the Devil! Remember, our souls is the treasure that is constantly being protected by God, and yourself. If you wield up the shield of your conscience, you will have no problem battling temptation.
All through Christ,

Sunday, October 26, 2014

after emptiness follows God

Author's Note: This is an original poem, written by your's truly. :) Enjoy, and comment if you feel inspired. 

after anxiousness follows peace
after hate follows love
after despair follows hope
after emptiness follows God

every adjective has a counter-part
every feeling has an opposite
it is up to you to find which one to choose
anxiety or peace?
hate or love? 
despair or hope?
emptiness or God? 

they are two sides of the same coin of emotion
there is consciousness of what is right
and there is pressure of what should be right

there Satan whispering insecurity in your ear
and there is God sighing hope and love

which one will  you choose? 
insecurity or security?
regret or comfort? 

for God so loved the world
 He gave His children free will
for God so loved the world
he gave up His only Son
who suffered and died for us
all so that we could choose to say 

how beautiful is the love that doesn't force
how beautiful is the love that never will punish
only love
only beautiful selfless love

how lucky are we
to be able to choose love against hate
light against darkness
how lucky indeed

after  anxiousness follows peace
after hate follows love
after despair follows hope
after emptiness follows God

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Hello dear readers! :) I am sorry I missed two Sundays, but I will stay on my game for now. :) Here are some lovely poems by the wonderful St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross to start your week. I wish I could add pictures, but the "picture add-er thing" isn't working. The poems are beautiful however! Enjoy!

God Alone is Enough

Let nothing upset you
let nothing startle you
All things pass;
God does not change
Patience wins
all it seeks
Whoever has God
lacks nothing

God alone is enough.

-Saint Teresa of Avila

Christ has No Body

Christ has no body but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
Compassion on this world,
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,
Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,
Yours are the eyes, you are his body.
Christ has no body now but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
compassion on this world.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.

-Saint Teresa of Avila

The Living Flame of Love

 How gently and lovingly
You wake in my heart,
Where in secret you dwell alone;
And in your sweet breathing,
Filled with good and glory,
How tenderly You swell my heart with love.

-Saint John of the Cross 


Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

During my DC trip, my family and I got the awesome opportunity to visit the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (long name, I know). It is the largest Catholic church in Northa America, and it is among the 10 largest in the world! It was sooooo beautiful! If you ever get the chance to visit this amazing place, take it! There are more than 70 chapels, and there is a bookstore and cafeteria. There are two "churches" (places were they celebrate the Eucharist) that I know of, but there might be more. The architecture was flawless and the reverence they had for Jesus and Mary... wowza. 

Here is an excerpt from the Basilica's website on the history. 

"In 1846, an excerpt from a Massachusetts newspaper told of "a magnificent Catholic church [to] be built at Washington, D.C. after the manner of the great cathedrals of the Old World from subscriptions of every Catholic Parish in America.” 
Spanning the late 19th, 20th and now 21st century, American Catholics would indeed build a sanctuary that rivals those of Europe and the world, not only in size but in stature as well—in sacred artarchitecturehistory and heritage.

Dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, under her title of the Immaculate Conception, the Basilica is the nation’s preeminent Marian shrine. With over 70 chapels and oratories that relate to the peoples, cultures and traditions that are the tapestry of the Catholic faith and the mosaic of our great nation, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception is indeed, America’s Catholic church."

If you would like to learn more about the Basiclica, just click on the blue link above and it will take you to it!


NOTE- One of the things I don't really like about Blogger is it is sooooo hard to put in pictures! So bear with me as the pictures are scattered everywhere. Sorry about this inconvenience

Here are the opening views of the Basilica. Huge and beautiful, right? And the funny part is, it is located in a not-so-great part of town. So in the midst of "darkness" (that's a metaphor, just saying) here comes the light! :) Even from the outside, I already knew this was going to be an amazing experience. 

A closer view to the Basilica. In the picture below, you can see the brightly painted dome. That is the dome of the main part of the main church. 

This is the main "pretty looking" entrance to the church. If you want to get in, you have to go through the side though. We almost missed it! :) 


 The picture to the right is proof that this article of clothing was actually worn by JP2! The caption reads "Cardinal Wojtyla of Krakow, 1976 August 9, Sacristy before Mass in the Upper Church."

Pope Francis' zuchetto? I don't know if this can get any better. There also was JP2's zuchetto as well as Pope Benedict the XVI.
First class relic people. Ah-mazing. 
These statues of numerous saints greeted us as we walked into the basilica. There was a little museum exhibit like thing to the side where we found the relics, zuchettos, and different things like that.  

              I believe that is St. Katherine Drexel. 

This chapel is dedicated to the Crucifiction, i believe. (Just by the way, this is all based on my memory. I don't really have a way of knowing the exact dedications, so bear with me. :) )

Our Lady of Japan
 Aren't these beautiful? 
The chapel on your left (wow, I sound like a tour guide) is one of the bigger ones. Most of the chapels were as small as a bedroom, maybe a tad bigger. 
If you are wondering about the picture on the right, the words above the painting say "Follow my Counsel." 

I can't get over how amazing these are... everything was so unique and artfully made!

Now it's time to go into the Upper Church (what I call the main church). It is HUGE! 

 This is the view right as you walk in. Tell me about breathtaking. Imagine seeing it in person! There was murals and mosaics covering every inch of the ceiling. To your left and right (after the pews of course) were more chapels. In the picture to the left, you can't see it too well, but the big red thing in the very back of the church is the end. (Spoiler- It's a mosaic of Jesus!)
Here it is again from a different angle.  

For the picture on your right- This is at the foot of the steps leading to the first altar. Yes, there is more than one altar. Jesus' mosaic face is covered by a statue of Mary. I have close ups later. 
 Here we go, there's Mother Mary! She is "watching" over the church! The dome she is standing on covers the main altar. 

Different view of Mary...

 Here are some ceiling views... all of them so beautiful and decoratively made. 

Here is a floor view

Sepia-ed version of Jesus. 

Full color! 

Better view of Jesus with Mary

I can't get over the ceilings...

More ceiling love.

Now for some more chapels! (Is anyone still with me? :) )


In the far right is Elizabeth Ann Seton 
Juan Diego! 

Rose of Lima
This chapel is obviously dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe. This was my second favorite chapel. I loved how on the sides it had the mosaics of a bunch of different saints commemorating our mother. 

"To Restore all Things in Christ"
"Give us this day our daily bread" 

The Pieta
Finally, my favorite chapel. The Eucharistic Adoration Chapel.

The altar reads, "Food for angels, food for men.
All you lowly come and eat."
Wow, talk about powerful. 

Is it not one of the most beautiful things
you have ever seen?

One last shot! 

Yes, it's the same shot as before, just bigger. You can't stop appreciating the beauty though! 

God's presence was so beautifully obvious in this wonderful place. I really wish I lived near by so I could go to a different chapel everyday! 

I am sorry if I overwhelmed you with pictures, or if they bored you. But to me, this was one of the most God-speaking, divinely beautiful places I have ever been to. Thank you Lord, for this wonderful experience.

Quick shout out- please make sure to participate in my poll! So far only one person has responded. (Thank you!) I would love to hear from you guys! You don't even have to state your name.You can be anonymous in the contact box, or just vote! Thank you all so much, and God bless!

All through Christ,
