Friday, January 31, 2014

Looking for a Good Catholic Highschool

I have a pretty cool selection of good Catholic high schools where I live. And of course, I have to make a hard choice...eventually. Thankfully, I still have about a year and a half yet, but it is never too early to make decisions. :)  So here are a few tips on finding a good high school that will fit your needs, and of course, wants. :)

1. Be open: You may have this one high school that has been in your mind since Junior High. And I'm not saying that's wrong, but just be open to other options because you may be impressed. Go to a few different high schools and compare them. Find out which one you would feel most comfortable at. Even if one high school is completely ruled out, look at the website anyway to compare to others. If you are like me, you already have a high school picked out for you by your parents. But it still is a good experience to check other schools out.

2. Research: Oh I know, your favorite thing to do in your pastime. :) But seriously, it wouldn't be a bad idea to look up your school online, or go to an open  house. I would definitely recommend going to an open house so you can see what really happens in the school, not just what they say on the website. Take some time to make a chart and compare all the schools. Look up their mission statement, how many credits per subject for graduation, and some of the clubs/sports/etc. that they offer. Make the list neat and readable. :)

3. Ask current students what they think: If you know someone that is currently attending (wow that sounds so formal) a high school that you are considering, ask them a few questions about the high school! I am sure they will be happy to answer. If you are really feeling creative, sit them down and have a interview. :) Nothing better than getting an opinion on someone who is actually participating in the schools academics and activities.

4. Talk with your parents: Have a good ol' chat with your Mom and Dad about what high schools you want to go to. List them your pros and cons, and what you want in a high school. Trust me, they also want the best for you (although it sure doesn't seem like it sometimes) and they will be overjoyed to help. Also remember that even though it's your high school, it is a family decision.

5. Look at the programs and activities they offer: This is kind of a no brainer, but still it is good to get it out there! One school might have a better art program than another. Another school may have a better college prep. Just keep in mind that you might want to try something new when your in high school, because you are pretty much a new person. :)

6. Talk to the Big Guy Upstairs: God always wants to hear from you and he sure wants in on your big decision! Take some time to talk it over with Him, and make sure that you let Him have some say also. You want it to be your top priority to see that the school will help you become the best person that God created you to be. Its hard to compare, I know, but really think about it over with God.

So those are a couple of good starters to help you with a big choice. There are waaaaay more things that you could do, but hopefully these things will start. My number one thing that is helping me is a T chart comparing all the schools. I hope that will help you as well!
Good  luck, my friends! :)

All through Christ,

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