Thursday, October 31, 2013


I am so excited it's Halloween! It's not really my favorite holiday, but I look forward to it every year. I love seeing all the really unique costumes! The way I found my costume this year was really weird.. I was watching this movie and the main character had a cape on, and I was like "I love capes!" And somehow I got to thinking about Red Riding Hood with her cape and all. And it was then I decided to be Red Riding Hood.
Just so you know. :)

But it seems like as Halloween gets closer and closer, the costumes get more and more...immodest, I guess you could say. Not necessarily flashy, but short, low, or tight enough to feel kind of uncomfortable. Its hard to look up a costume online or at a store without getting an immodest version of it now a days. It's pretty sad, actually. My sister wanted to be a nun last year and we looked it up and we could really only find short, showy costumes. So we went the old fashion way, and made it ourselves. Everything it better handmade. :)

Then I got to thinking. Halloween is when we dress up as someone we want to be, admire, or someone we find cool, right? (or something actually) So if you are portraying yourself as a flashy, girly maid or something, how are you portraying your actual self? Do you want people do see you this way? Think about that the next time you pick out a Halloween costume.

Ooh, I just realized that Halloween can be a double topic. I love when that happens! :)

So as we have established above, Halloween is a time to dress up with whomever or whatever you want. You could be the Prince of Antarctica (if there was one) but hide behind a ghost costume and no one would know who you are. You might be a rich person, but your costume could suggest you being a poor person. So, now lets get deep.

 Your costume is kind of like your skin, lets say. And how do we first get to know someone? By looking at them. And we make judgments. It's human! I know I really need to work on not being judgmental. I remember something my second grade teacher told me a long time ago. She was talking about one time she was at a diner or something and a group of people that looked "goth" and "depressing" with a bunch of piercings and tattoos walked in. Now pretend you were in that situation. What would you think? Personally, my first thought would be to stop staring and not get in their way.
And from what my teacher said, she thought something like that. But to her surprise, once the 'goth' people got their food they did the sign of the cross and prayed devoutly.

That was just a jaw dropper, I know.

But it just proves how appearances are deceiving. Just like the old idiom says, "Never judge a book by it's cover". Same with people! Even though its hard, we need to get over snapping to conclusions. Some people have very good invisible Halloween costumes daily. Some are harder to strip away the costume than others. But if we take a moment to really get to know people, your best friend might appear. It's amazing how God works, right?

So while your enjoying the pounds of candy (cannot wait for my Kit-Kats) and having fun running in the dark, keep at the back of your mind the so called symbolic thinking of the scariest day. (or what's supposed to be the scariest, anyway.)

And get some sleep! :)

All through Christ,

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