Sunday, October 20, 2013

Participation in the Best Party Ever

What's the best, most exciting party you have ever been to? Was it a birthday party full of cake, presents and friends? Or maybe a going away party with memories and happy tears? How about the first summer party of the year? (the pool is calling you...) Or a relaxing hangout with a few of your besties?

How about Mass?

Yep, it actually is a party. If you compare a average "party" to Mass, you can see the similarities.

1. Cake: Calling the Eucharist a cake would be kind of a stretch, but it is still food that fulfills you.

2. Friends: You're celebrating with your fellow Catholics, which should be your friends... :) Also your celebrating with the universal Church, the angels in heaven and God!

3. Music: What's a party without music? Even though pop and gospel have their differences, it's still singing all the same.

So even our opinions of a birthday party and Mass are different, they are really both parties. But it's kind of funny to see our energy when you compare it to a "party" and Mass.

I know, I know. Mass isn't our first priority. But the reason  it's there is so we can enjoy it and want to come back! But I think the reason it's not the hot topic of the day is because of our outlook on it.

Think about the last time you celebrated Mass. Were you participating? When I mean participating I don't mean mumbling the prayers under your breath while thinking about your big project that's due in a few days. I mean fully focused, speaking clearly and singing loudly, no matter what your voice is like.

Imagine if everyone participated. How would your outlook on Mass change? If we all were smiling and singing, I think Mass would be way more enjoyable and less awkward. Sing with confidence! Even if you don't have the best voice ever, God doesn't care. If you sing loud, so will others around you. I think the major reason that peeps aren't singing is because they're afraid they will be the only one. So stand up and give other people a push. You start the chain, and I promise, others will follow.

Like singing proudly, you need to answer the priest with confidence. You know the words, you've been speaking them for a while now. If you are doubting some responses, look it up or ask a priest. Again, people will follow your lead if you start it.

So be a leader to make Mass a louder, prouder party. God's giving you all of the favors, you just have to use them!

So your challenge of this post: next Mass, participate. Live it out!
All through Christ,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maddie, just so you know I decided to tweet this blog post.
