Sunday, October 13, 2013

October: National 'We Better Get Going' Month

It kind of dawned on me one day that October is a really big month for different topics. It's pro-life month, Rosary month, appreciate your priest month, breast cancer awareness month, diabetes month, and even cookie month (that's on my top list) so I pretty much re-named October National Better Get Going month because there are so many things we could do this month! Technically, we could do them all year round but might as well start now, right?

Here's a list of things that you could be doing this month and feel proud of yourself in doing it. (and not as lazy, that's for sure. :))

1. Pro-life Month:
- Go to a pro-life rally
-Adopt a baby "spiritually" and pray for them every day.
- Go to an abortion center and pray for a few minutes on the side walk.

2. Rosary Month:
-Pray the Rosary! (bet you never saw that one coming)
-Learn how to make a Rosary and give them to a younger kid.
-Find different prayers to pray on the Rosary.

3. Appreciate your Priest/Pastor Month:
-Write 'em a card!
-Pray for them every day.
-Greet them after Mass.
-Invite them over for dinner .

4. Breast Cancer Awareness Month:
-Wear pink! (or make a pink ribbon and pin it to your shirt)
-Make cards for someone you know with Breast Cancer (or any cancer)
-Donate money to breast cancer research.

5. Diabetes Awareness Month:
-Go to a diabetes walk
-Donate money to a research center for diabetes

6. Cookie Month:
-Make homemade cookies (I can smell them already...)
-Give some cookies to your neighbors.
-Find some great recipes and put 'em in a fancy notebook.

 These are just some ideas, and don't be afraid to reach out for more! I think the easiest one is to pray. You can pray for all of these people, actions, etc.. So this is my encouragement to you, pick one of these things (praying and one other thing) to do this month. Get off the couch! (I know, it's really hard to do) Trust me. You will feel soooo much better afterward.

I don't know about you, but I better get going on all of this stuff! :)

All through Christ,

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