Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Little Things

It scares the best of us. It's late at night, the moon is out and sparkling and the darkness covers the basement like a thick blanket.

You left your phone in the farthest corner and you know, you can't live with out the cellular device. Fast-walking and not trying to think about what is waiting to grab you, you stuff your phone in your pocket and skedaddle upstairs before the air conditioner and toilet sounds start creeping you out.

Good 'ol basement fears never will leave, will they? Sometimes I have the embarrassing urge to ask someone to come with me, but I just suck it up and make my visit as quick as I can.

It's these little things when we forget we can ask God for help. It's either too small that we don't remember, or we're embarrassed to ask help for getting through the one minute round trip of the basement. I try to remember to ask God for help, saying a little Hail Mary or Glory Be. I remember one time when I went in the basement I started singing a worship song. Hearing my voice in the darkness comforted me, as did God's peace that I felt while singing the song.

So whether it be the basement blues, help with dishes or just to catch up, send God a quick message. If we can text our friends "hi" if we're bored or ask them "when can you meet up?" Why can't we do the same for God? Talk to Him, He'll want to listen. God will reply instantly, if you let him. If everyone else has heard about your hard earned A on the Social Studies test, tell God.

Through the big and the little, God will listen.

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