Sunday, June 8, 2014

VBS Inspires Kids... and Teenagers?

Next week is Vacation Bible School (VBS) for my church. It is offered for incoming preschoolers to incoming 6th graders. I have helped teach the music aspect of VBS since I was an incoming 6th grader (yes I was a early bloomer XD) and ever since I have participated in it! The songs are cheesy, and the stuff they learn very simple, but even then I love it. It is a great way to see God through young kids! Since I work music, I can see all of the little ones (and of course, the bigger ones). Although they don't know it, the little ones really do inspire me!

Last year when I was working I had a group of incoming preschoolers and kindergarteners. They were so cute and very focused on learning the music and hand motions unlike the fifth graders. One little girl with cute pig tails was right in the front, watching my every move along with my leader. She had the biggest smile on her face and melted my heart! After they learned a few songs, she decided to come up and teach with me. So there was this cute little kindergartener standing right up there with me, a huge smile on her face and "teaching" her peers. Soon after, a few more kids joined us. By the end of the class, the whole group of preschoolers and kindergarteners were up there teaching their crew leaders. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen. And of course, they thought it was the coolest thing that happened all day. (I thought it was too. :) )

Another thing that happens at VBS is the director offers for some of the kids to come up and say their "God moments." Most of them just want to go up and hear themselves talk so they say things like "Trees, my mom, milk," things like that. It is true! Sometimes I do see God in milk! :)

But then one day my leader for music comes up to me and tells me a story about a young boy whose dog of many years just died. Our theme for the camp was "Stand strong for God" that year. So this little boy goes up to his mom and says "Don't cry mommy! Stand strong for God!" Oh my heart just burst with joy. These little kids are really learning so much, and I have learned a lot from them !

The faith of a child is unshakeable. Their innocence and love for God is obvious through their actions and words. If you really take the time to talk to them, you can see that. But remember, you are the one(s) influencing them. Whether you help out with VBS, babysit, or just talk to them you are influencing them. So take that time to help them become closer to Jesus! They will grow up remembering what they have learned, and then they will share with others.


Wow, has the week gone by quickly! :) VBS was a great experience although very tiring. The kids were great and the music, although still cheesy had a great message.

Another powerful thing that occurred during VBS happened at the showcase. The showcase is where the kids sing all the songs they have learned throughout the week to their parents. It was a very fun time and cool to see them singing and dancing with a smile on their faces.

But anyway, at the end of the showcase, the VBS director came up and asked for a certain mom out there to come up on the stage. This wonderful mom will eventually have a big surgery on her spine. Last time she had this surgery, she had to stay in the hospital for  4- 6ish weeks. She has two daughters, both under the age of 10.

 Once she came up to the stage, we all prayed over her. It was a very cool moment to see all these hands (big and small) raised over her in prayer.

Power of prayer, people.

So that really shows you what a small week of VBS can do for people! If you have one coming up, don't be afraid to sign up to help. You're evangelizing and doing stewardship at the same time! (well, I guess that is the case for most volunteer work).

Have a great rest of your week!

All through Christ,


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