Sunday, September 7, 2014

Take Five- Five Updates on my Crazy Life

Hello dear blog readers! I hope you have enjoyed summer as much as I have. I love summer and all, but I am totally ready for fall! (It even rhymes, wow I'm such a poet). Fall is my favorite season of the year and I cannot wait to whip out my camera and take a few shots!
I know I haven't written many "personal" things about my life, and I think you all deserve to know what has been going on behind the computer screen.

1. Vacation!

Almost a month ago I had the wonderful chance to go to Washington DC with my family. Let me tell you, I have been waiting for this trip for years. I am such a history geek and every year I have been begging my parents to go to the great US of A's capital. Finally, it was this year. Oh the things I did and saw throughout this whole trip! Trust me, there will be many posts coming up about all the amazing sights, smells and historical aspects of DC. Stay tuned!

2. One Year Older....

I have officially survived one year of my teenage life... huzzah! Yes, over vacation I turned the big ol' 14. Now I feel I am at least a little bit qualified to give advice on the teenage years. :)

Also, since I am officially in 8th grade now, I get the wonderful chance to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the spring. I will be posting some posts on my journey.. so stay tuned.

3. Posting Notes
Okay, for all you writers out there, do you ever have those days where your head is so full of ideas and then when you sit down to write... nothing comes out? Well that's what I have been having this whole summer pretty much and my inspiration just sank. So... I have decided I am going to have a schedule for my posts. Technically, I said at the beginning I was going to post once a week.. and that kind of failed. So, now my new goal is every Sunday! Every Sunday I will be posting a post, whether it be very long and insightful, or short and sweet. So watch out readers, here I come!
Some topics for my upcoming posts-

1. DC
2. Temptation and How to Beat it
3. Balancing School life and Spiritual Life
4. My stay at a Catholic Camp

4. Photography

At this point, I don't know if my photography obsession is just a phase, or the beginnings of a new life hobby. At the beginning of the summer, I dug out the old family camera (nothing fancy, just a small handheld camera) and started shooting some pictures. I did a photoshoot with my brothers and sister, and I took a tooonnn of pictures on vacation! So look out for some posts with my pictures on them! I also love quotes, so some of them will have quotes on them.

5. You guys!- First off, thank you so much for taking your time to read this blog. Second off, you're awesome. Thirdly, I want to hear from you guys! Please don't hesitate to write me a question, comment, or just a small note and send it to my email at . I would love if you could send me anything that you think I could work on to make your experience here better.

I do have a poll on the side of the page, so if you could take your time to answer and leave a comment/shoot me an email, that would be fantastic. Again, thank you so much for all you guys do! :)

All through Christ,


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