Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy (late) Thanksgiving!

It seems like I'm late for everything. Well, at least this is only a day late. :) Just wanted to tell you guys that I hope you have had the happiest Thanksgiving ever! Mine was very fun. I woke up, went to Mass, stayed late talking to friends (and flying airplanes in the main area :) ) going home, baking pumpkin pie, then EATING it. Yum. Who doesn't love pumpkin pie?!

But through all the eating, laughing and having fun with family-ing, we have to remember to be thankful.

Shocker, I know.

But think about all the blessings you have! Food, clothes, shelter. Then get more specific. Crisp fall days and cool starry nights. Grandma's yummy rolls and fuzzy knitted blankets. I bet some person in the world doesn't have that advatange to a wonderful grandma like that.

When I was little, my mom literally forced me to write in a Gratitude journal when I was complaining. And I hated it! (I really am not a journal person) but it taught me two things. One, to not whine when Mom was around and two, take joy in the little things.

I saw this really cool thing on Pintrest (if you want to follow me my username is ~Maddie J~) and it was like a really cool mason jar filled with little scraps of paper. And what you would do is beginning on January first, you would take a piece of paper, write the date, and one specific thing you were thankful for that day. (it has to be specific! not like food, water, etc.) How cool is that? So the next year you can see all the good things that happened to you! Cool craft to try over Christmas break!

So, I hope you are thankful for your many blessings! Happy Thanksgiving and get ready for the Christmas season (it's creeping up on us!)

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All through Christ,

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