Thursday, November 26, 2015

A Blessed Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving honestly didn't become one of my favorite holidays until today. 

I guess I never really saw the beauty in being thankful. I mean, I knew that that was what Thanksgiving was all about (Thankfully I do get context clues in titles ;) ), but it seemed to me more of a reason to eat a lot and prep for Black Friday shopping. 

One of my favorite things about having a phone is being able to have group chats, and being able to collaborate with numerous people. One of my group chats is an inspirational one, where we send inspiring quotes/Bible verses and ask each other for prayers. I requested that we should go around and say what we are thankful for (that seems the proper thing to do, right?) but what people replied really blew me away. 

I didn't know how beautiful and precious a grateful heart is until I heard my friends thank God for what they are truly thankful for. These are some of the things they said . 
(And yes, we are teenagers so expect some text speak and emojis. :D)


"I'm so grateful for real true friends. The kind that would stick up for me and always got my back... my passion in theatre, community and God. Im thankful for my education, for religious rights, a good job, my own car, and mostly thankful for my best friend Jesus. rele thankful for those days when my mom buys good cereal and all of you who inspire me every day." 

"I'm thankful for my two sisters that I can talk to and hang out with but also my brothers who, even tho they aren't always hear, still lift me up when I need some brotherly love. And especially my friends...because without them I would probably be in a hole crying my eyes out everyday. But honestly I'm so thankful for all the little blessings in life like a roof over my head, my bed, my violin, water, food, my parents and good health. AND I JUST LOVE YOU ALL AND IM GONNA STOP OR ILL WRITE A BOOK!!!!"

"I never thought that I could love a group of people so much. You guys inspire me everyday to live the best for God. I am truly thankful for each and everyone of you and I cherish every single moment we share together. Thanks for being there and guiding me closer to Jesus. I would be lost without you guys. Thank you!" 

All these quotes made my heart so happy, I just had to make a big ol' list of what I am grateful for. You all should too, if you want to be happy. Which I assume you do. Yup. 

  • My bed and my covers. I really really love how comfy they are. I honestly am so grateful for my memory foam mattress. 
  • Education- my friend and I were talking about this the other day, and we realized how blessed we are to have education and how much we complain about it. Halfway across the world, people don't know how to write their own name. To be able to learn so much is something I remind myself to be grateful for. 
  • My youth group- my youth group is SO awesome, I wish I could take you all to it. (OOH maybe if I get a YouTube channel I could vlog THAT WOULD BE COOL) Everyone is so kind and funny and loves Jesus so much that it makes me want to move into my youth room with all my friends. Jesus definitely hangs out there a lot. :) 
  • My theater community- I can't even explain how much my theatre community (CYT) means to me. Most of my best friends come from there, and each and every one of them has impacted me in a uniquely beautiful way. I learned how to worship, and how to empathize, and how to stand like a tree at CYT :). Love you all!
  • My family- I didn't realize how lucky I am to have such an accepting and wonderful family until I look at some of my friend's situations. My parents are still madly in love, I have a grandparent live close to me, and even though most of my family lives in Minnesota, I see them once or twice a year. God is really good man. 
  • YOU guys. And this blog. It's crazy how much I get out of writing this blog. It's a stress relief, and way to share who and what I love. Thanks. :) 
What are you guys thankful for? Let me know in the comments. 
I hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving. 

All through Christ,
