Sunday, September 27, 2015

Why I Started Receiving the Eucharist on my Tongue

Okay, so this idea of receiving the Eucharist on my tongue has been on my mind for for-e-ver. Deep down in the smallest corners of my heart, I knew I wanted to start receiving the Eucharist on my tongue.. because that's what my holy role models do and who doesn't want to become more like their holy role models? And because I feel like it is more respectful towards Jesus.. not saying that receiving it on your hands isn't! Just for me I tend to kind of slack with my hands and not give the Host as much respect as I should, so I felt like receiving it on my tongue would be easier.

But for years I have shied away because of my inner list of a million and three things that could go wrong. 

(I don't know if you have caught on or not, but I really like lists :D)

1. I drop the Host- AHHH I had a nightmare about this and I dropped the host and everyone was staring at me and I literally was so afraid to receive the Eucharist on my hands the next day it was so traumatizing...
2. I lick the sacristan.- #awkward
3. I look super stupid and super weird and everyone judges me-
who IS that girl? She has no clue what she is doing. (Which is right, but still.)
1,000,000,003. All three things occur at once- Scarier than a ghost on Halloween. 

So my constant reminder of the aforementioned list of terror kept my in my safe little bubble of receiving the Host on my hands and wishing I was brave enough to receive it on my tongue immediately after I said "Amen". 

BUT the story gets better.

I was at my Catholic church camp this summer (let's go Tekakwitha!) and we had a Mass on our first night to kick off the week. And being at a camp, you know, you get down and dirty. So I had a bunch of dirt and grime on my hands from who knows what, and I thought to myself, "I really shouldn't receive Jesus on dirty hands". 

And then the next thought occurred... aren't our hands always dirty? Dirty with the sins we have, dirty with the mean thoughts we have thought about people... and physically dirty accidentally marker-ing yourself and such? But that's okay, because the power of forgiveness and confession wipes that all away. But I can't I am always squeaky clean when I line up in the Eucharist line.

And guys, as I was going up to receive communion, I felt this really strange but welcomed wave of courage flow into me, later to be named as the Holy Spirit. And I felt like I could conquer the world, and I had 0 fear of receiving the Host on my tongue! And guess what-

I did it! And I didn't drop the host, I didn't lick the priest, and I didn't look super stupid (actually I don't know that for sure)... but I am pretty sure I opened both my hands and my mouth because the priest got this super confused look on his face, but STILL. 

And I gave God an imaginary little fist pump there and I was awkwardly smiling (well I guess you should be beaming after Communion I mean it's JESUS we're talking about here) and it was really great. 

And ever since then, Maddie has been receiving the Eucharist on her tongue. And yes, she has licked a few people (so sorry about that) but she hasn't dropped the Eucharist yet! But she still has nightmares...

But it's all good. :) After all, it's JESUS we're talking about, can I get an amen? xD (If you actually said amen into your computer, you're my new favorite person).

Again, I don't want you guys to be under the impression that I am saying that you guys should all receive the Eucharist on your tongue. Nope, not at all! This is just something that has helped me progress in my spiritual life.. and if it works for you too that is awesome! You guys are great. Have a fantastic week!

All through Christ,


Sunday, September 20, 2015


So apparently I am not dead.

High school doesn't kill people right away apparently. :D

You probably have one of two reactions. One, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH CHILD" or "Oh great. She's back." *headdesk*.

So in case you don't know, I recently started high school! *cues applause*. And so far I have survived. That's super exciting.

But with high school comes 2/3 hours of homework, and a lot of driving (my school is 30 minutes away), and a lot of debating about what activities you really want to spend your time on because the more you think about it, the less time you realize you have. 

Good Things About High School
1. New people. New teachers. New places to get lost (well I guess that isn't good...)
2. High school you are given more freedom (but with more freedom comes more responsibility so...)
3. DAILY MASS IS ATTAINABLE it's great. I love the chapel at my school. I literally feel peace whenever I walk into it. It's great. 
4. The cafeteria food is really good. Like, I wish it wasn't that good because I am spending waaay too much money heh heh. I think the hardest Lenten promise I might ever make is not getting food from the cafeteria. *gulps*.
5. My uniform is actually super comfy. And my skirt has pockets. And I can wear whatever socks I want. Yay for uniforms.

Not-so-Good Things About High School
1. IT'S HIGH SCHOOL I am growing up and soon I will have to actually think about colleges and futures and AH someone stop time please.
2. A lot of homework. Less social time. More stress time. :)
3. A lot of hard thinking- it's not elementary school any more (see note 1). Everything is taken a step farther.
4. My school is 30 minutes away. I spend at least an hour a day driving... and that's just for school. If I have rehearsal for the musical (which is Guys and Dolls by the way) then it's 2 hours a day.

Hey well look at that, the good things outweigh the bad! That's always a plus!

But let me just say the reason I haven't been posting is 1- high school is a lot to adapt to and 2- my school computer won't let me access my blog. So finally I got on my mom's computer. (Thanks Mom!)

You'll be seeing more of me soon, I promise. I am trying to get a review up of the newest Kendrick brothers movie, War Room, perhaps write some reflections on why God doesn't give you what you want all the time, and let you all know of some books that have boosted my spiritual inspiration.

Just a small note- these posts may be shorter than I usually write, just for the sake of how much time I have.

But let me know- how was your guys' summer? How's school going so far? Let me know in the comment section or email me at . :)

Thanks for being amazing!

All through Christ,
