As I am pretty sure I already have said this, but I go to the wonderful Easter Vigil Mass at my church. I had the awesome opportunity to go again last night, and holy cow was it amazing! The choir sounded like it belonged in Heaven and the service was so beautiful. I almost started crying at the end because it was so amazing! Like I said before, if you haven't gone to a Easter Vigil Mass, you really need to!
But enough about that, let's talk about Easter itself!
We all know the story, the women visit the grave and see that Jesus isn't there! He is risen, He is alive! How cool is that? How exactly he rose we will never know. But as Christians we believe he died and rose to life again for our sake. Now since we have heard the story a million and one times, hearing that Jesus rose from the dead is kind-of like old news. But imagine if your sister/mom/friend came up to you and said "So-and-so died and is alive again!" You would be in a major state of shock, no? I certainly know I would. :)
If your really think about it, Easter is the source of why we are alive.
If Jesus didn't die for us, we would be swallowed up by our own sin. We wouldn't want to live, we would just wait for our death and punishment to come. All source of happiness, forgiveness and joy would be vanished by the source of sin. The Devil would have reign over all of us!
None of that is happening because of the Resurrection. Zip, zero, nada. There is still sin in the world, of course. But we have mercy and forgiveness. We have a loving GOD that cares for us! All of this is present in the world because Jesus gave up His life for us and soon rose again.
Long story short, you should be pretty glad that Jesus died or else you wouldn't have a life. :)
When you think of Easter, what do you think of? Be honest. :)
Personally I think of eggs. Brightly decorated, fun eggs that we never make at our house. (we did once and that didn't go so swell... so you can guess why we haven't made them since). Others probably think of the Easter bunny, or just any baby animal in general.
In our culture today, they have little to no meaning whatsoever. But in our faith, they have a whole novel of symbolism.
The egg, symbolizes Jesus resurrecting from the tomb. When the chick (Jesus) comes out, the egg (tomb) is left empty.
Flowers symbolize life after death. Most flowers and plant life die in the winter. But when spring comes, they are as bright and colorful as the year before! This symbolizes Jesus dying and then rising again.
Baby animals (such as bunnies) symbolize new life in general. We are made new in the likeness of God through baptism.
Let's see... what else. Grass symbolizes no more winter?! :) I hope winter is officially over now because I am so sick of snow! At least this morning it bright and cheery!
So now let's celebrate! No more darkness, sadness and death. Only happiness and life reign now!
Have a wonderful, blessed Easter!
All through Christ,